This is a very good salsa recipe. Simple ingredients are boiled and blended to created a flavorful, spicy mixture that's great with tortilla chips and...
I came up with this topping/side dish while trying to figure out how I could get the only two vegetables my husband eats into one dish. It's great over...
Fresh mild salsa. The flavor is best after it sits for a while as the lime juice will mellow out the flavor of the onion and the salt will bring the juices...
Pop some tomatoes, onions, serrano peppers, and garlic under the broiler, blend them with spices, cilantro, and lime juice and you've got a yourself a...
This is a special salsa that you can serve with Mexican tacos, fajitas, chicken or over eggs. I am from Mexico and we love it !!!. Viva Mexico! Leave the...
I have tried several different recipes for salsa and this is the one my family and friends like the best. I have given it to a lot of people who all loved...
This recipe is a variation of Sicilian Caponata, which is an eggplant relish served in Sicily as a topping for brushetta or as a condiment served with...
This recipe is a favorite of all my friends. Whenever they come over, they want to leave with a jar. Therefore, when I make it I can 14 GALLONS each time....
This recipe originated from a recipe that was supposed to duplicate that of my favorite Mexican restaurant. I've heavily modified the original recipe and...
An authentic Mexican salsa made with tomatoes, onions, and jalapenos. Serve with tacos, nachos, tortilla chips, black beans, refried beans, or fajitas...
This is a pico de gallo recipe that will have everyone asking 'how did you make this?' They will be surprised when you tell them the ingredients include...
This delicious salsa is very easy to make and you can add or take out spices and herbs to your taste. This is a fun recipe for kids to make and experiment...
Nothing beats fresh salsa in a blender when tomatoes are in season but when they are not, you've got to go with plan B. Out-of-season, pink, mealy tomatoes...
This charred corn salsa came about when I wanted to make use of some leftover ingredients after making a Mexican dish the night before. Broiling a few...
This delicious salsa dip is easy to make and blends the distinctive flavors of tarragon vinegar, green chile peppers and black olives in a zesty tomato...
No cooking, no cans. All fresh ingredients and flavor no one will be able to walk away from! Sweet onion and fresh lime juice make all the difference in...
This cauliflower version of the authentic Mexican ceviche is the best I've tried! It has great flavor and it's full of vegetables! I prefer to serve it...
This simple restaurant-style salsa is made with vegetables that are first roasted in your air fryer. Roasting adds an extra depth of flavor, while mellowing...
This is not a super-quick recipe - this is a 'slow down and enjoy making a great, smoky salsa your family and friends will love' recipe. But the pico de...
Cilantro lovers rejoice! A salsa that can be modified to suit your desired spiciness! This salsa has Asian, Spanish and Middle Eastern elements. Serve...
My mother-in-law loves Tex-Mex but has an onion allergy. After several attempts, I invented an authentic tasting salsa that derives some of it's smokey...
This is by far the best pico I have ever had. Fresh cilantro and sweetened lime juice are key to making this recipe really delicious. You can find the...
Filled with lots of fresh veggies, this salsa is a great addition to any meal. Best the next day, that way it's chilled and the ingredients have plenty...
This is a mix between salsa and bruschetta, it's always a hit at parties and picnics. I made this up for my family, 1/2 of them love Italian food and the...
This is an easy recipe for salsa made in a blender. It is a staple at my house (and everyone I know's houses, too). Remember you can always add to taste....
A great 'salsa' NOT BLENDED! Chunky, crisp, and yummy! Buy some freezer containers, this recipe makes A LOT, or share with friends. I once could not find...
A quick and easy salsa without all the chemicals and preservatives from store-bought brands. Store any remaining salsa in an air tight container in the...
A simple salsa recipe that I received from a friend. Great for parties and football games. Optional: cover the bowl with plastic wrap and chill in the...